Christmas is a shit show.
Santa Claus and Rudolph and Frosty and Christmas trees and Christmas songs and Christmas gifts and Christmas cookies and Christmas lights and Christmas cups at Starbucks and Christmas hookers and Christmas fart jokes and Christmas run-on sentences… Ahh!!
You used to mean something, Christmas. Christy, you’ve has lost its way. Chrissy Missy, old friend, you’re more lost than Kevin McAllister in New York City + J.J. Abrams in the 2000’s combined. Chrissie-poo old friend, you don’t know who you are anymore.
There’s so much disappointment, we don’t know where to begin…
The Origin is Dumb
Happy Birthday, Jesus 🎉
Christmas. It’s that one time of year that Christians celebrate Jesus. Well, except for the other three holidays where they celebrate Jesus… and every Sunday in church… and every night before bed… and right before every meal… and… Wait a minute! They celebrate Jesus all the time! That’s kinda their thing.
But Christmas is different, because, you know, this is Jesus’s birthday. And birthdays are important, right? And they should be celebrated; who cares if you can’t get all 2,000 candles on the cake.
Worshiping False God Birthdays
Except for one problem: It isn’t his birthday. It’s likely not even close. It’s probably not even the correct year. Corner a Christian who knows their stuff and they’ll admit it. December 25th is NOT Jesus’s birthday. Romans just kinda made that shit up hundreds of years later.
What?! It’s Christmas Blasphemy! Sigh, I need some spiked eggnog.
By the way, … what’s up with the wise men? From faraway countries? They just sorta saw a star and fucking GUESSED that it meant Jesus was being born super-duper far away and they should drop everything they’re doing, find some myrrh, and ride a million miles to a hick town in the desert? That sounds totally… believable.
How then did we end up celebrating this super awesome dead guy’s fake birthday in the dead cold of December, you ask?
The Real Reason You Celebrate is Dumb
Winter is Coming
One theory is that people were celebrating then anyway. The date chosen for Christmas just so happened to correspond with Hanukkah. Coincidence? And both holidays just so happened to correspond with Winter Solstice, which is something the Pagans always celebrated because it meant warmer weather was on its way.
The best theory is probably that we all want to celebrate random shit in December because winter-time sucks. It’s cold and miserable and there are White Walkers and so we all just want a reason – no matter how contrived – to pretend life is beautiful.
Christmas is when your beau dumps you, and so you go eat a big tub of ice cream and watch a chick flick.
The Traditions are Dumb
This Holiday Brought to You By…
Okay, so we have a secret about Your Holiday is Dumb that we’ve been waiting to share: We’ve ended the title of every post with “… (So Buy Our Stuff)” because of Christmas. We wanted to be as gratuitously commercial as Jolly Old Saint Nick. We wanted to be a constant reminder of just how commercial Christmas has become.
It’s kinda gross. Like hair-in-your-soup kind of gross. Like sticky-handrail-in-the-subway kind of gross.
More than that, what it’s ruining (Earth’s #1 religion! Go Christianity! Woooo! We’re #1!) happens to be something we all hold in such high regard. We shouldn’t be able to commercialize an aspect of life that’s so important and sacred and pure – ESPECIALLY something that’s about love and family and the mushy shit at the center of every Thursday afternoon movie on The Hallmark Channel. It’s like shitting all over a Monet.
Can you pass the tissues? I don’t think Jesus can save us this time.
For Christ’s sake (no literally, it’s for Christ’s sake…), the kick-off day of the “Christmas Season” is called Black Friday, because people buy so much shit that retailers rely on it to prop up the rest of their year.
I think I just pooped my Christmas jammies.
Father Christmas
Okay, let’s do an experiment. We’ll say a sentence, then you react. Ready, go: Santa is bullshit.
Now let’s go through your reactions, in order:
- Shock (“Whaaa..”)
- …Thinking…
- “Yeah, they’re right.”
The idea of Santa is bullshit.
C’mon, a 300 year-old pedophile who chooses to live in negative-a-million degrees fahrenheit most of the year and reverse-robs you on Jesus’s birthday? W.T.F. That makes about as much sense as… well, we have no joke for that. Because nothing is more ridiculous than what we just said.
Oh, but it’s the metaphor of Santa that’s important for your kids, you say? The life lesson Santa teaches us.
Really? Which part? Which lesson? The part about how he is Christmas’s official mascot for consumerism? How we all want to be filthy, dirty consumers, and to keep our hands clean of the crime, we slap the cuffs on our jolly old pastey-patsey.
The only thing Santa teaches kids is that getting presents is freaking awesome. Now run along children, and go learn about how to handle race issues from these old Looney Tunes cartoons.
Not to mention it’s all a flat out lie.
Oh, maybe that’s what you meant by life lesson. You wanted to teach your kids about getting tricked by their parents – the very people they love and trust more than anyone in the world.
It’s not a lie, it’s a whole universe of lies. It goes all year long and its primary purpose is to manipulate and deceive children. “Remember, be good because Santa is watching!” What the fuck, he is? He knows if I’ve been bad or good?? That’s some creepy dark magic shit. Did you say Kris Kringle or Criss Angel?
The execution of Santa is bullshit.
The best part is, at the end of the day, kids don’t even fucking like this guy! And of course they don’t! Just look at him. They’re the ones on the right side of history here. But alas, they put up with him, because they’re told again and again that he’s the one who brings all those presents.
If you think your kids love Santa, you’re wrong. It’s the presents they love. Suggestion: Kill the Santa bit and just give them presents. They might actually realize that you love them.
Give me things! I need all the things!
Forced gift-giving sucks.
Don’t get me wrong, I love to give a good gift just as much as the next guy. It’s just that the tradition forces it, and forcing it is dumb.
There are two types of people in the world, and NEITHER qualify for forced giving:
- People with whom you are well enough acquainted to give a good quality, well thought-out gift. e.g. “I know Mike really likes blow up dolls, so I’ll get him another blow up doll this year. He doesn’t have a blonde one yet.” Our reaction: You should just be giving those people gifts regularly anyway.
- People with whom you aren’t. Our reaction: When it comes to this bunch – when you give a gift to someone you don’t know well enough… sorry, but that gift sucks. We all know it. Those socks? The sweater that’s not their style? A flask? Really? When am I gonna use this?
“Gift” Cards
What the fuck. Gift cards are just cash, but with restrictions. Thanks, Grandma, for this cash I can only use at JC Penny. You gave me an errand for Christmas. I don’t even know where that store is. Maybe I’ll go there when I need some new curtains for $5.
Nothing says “I don’t know you” like a gift card. Nothing says “I don’t want to have to put ANY thought into this” like a fucking gift card. Give me a gift card and see what happens. Better yet, stuff it into one of those Hallmark Cards with words in it that someone else wrote. I’ll shove it up your… oh shit, sorry, it’s Christmas.
Stop the Music
Christmas music sucks.
Oh sweet tapdancing Jesus, all the Christmas music. There is so much fucking Christmas music that in order to get through it all, we have to start playing it in stores in July.
It’s not quite Christmas until we’ve heard Bon Jovi’s Star Wars Christmas Classic or Billy Idol’s ravishing rendition of Jingle Bell Rock.
It’s not the quantity of Christmas music that bothers us. It’s that 99% of it is fucking God awful. And we think Jesus would’ve agreed with us. (He strikes us as more of a Phish Phan.)
The worst part might be that we all know it’s bad, but tolerate it because it reminds us of “that special time of year.” Gag. It seems nostalgia has become an excuse for mediocrity. Sorry, Sir Paul, it looks like St. Peter isn’t letting you through the gates after that Christmas atrocity, Wonderful Christmastime.
Regardless, no matter how much we collectively scream for mercy, they just keep coming. From Tiny Tim’s Santa Claus Has Got the AIDs to Justin Bieber’s Mistletoe to John Denver’s Please, Daddy Don’t Get Drunk on Christmas. Oh man, are there some shitty Christmas songs.
Even the classics deserve a second look:
- In 12 Days of Christmas, he gets her birds like 11 of the 12 days. Sorry, I don’t think those five gold rings are gonna be enough for her to forgive you for all the cooing and bird shit all over her car from those six geese a-laying you got her. That’s okay, you probably won’t hear her complaining over the 11 pipers piping and 12 drummers drumming. This song is 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall for people with ADHD.
- Baby, It’s Cold Outside is basically about date rape. Seriously, go back and listen to it again, and come back and tell us it’s not about date rape. One more time… it’s about date rape. (See below.)
- Did you know Jingle Bells was actually designed by the CIA to torture POWs? It’s more effective than waterboarding. You don’t wanna know where they shove those sleigh bells…
The Decorations are Dumb
Let’s step back for a second and talk about what a “holiday decoration” is. It’s something we know is only going to sit on our dining room table for a short amount of time, and therefore has permission to suck. Christmas is just a free pass to have terrible taste without getting judged.
You can put out the ugliest shit in the name of Christmas, and that’s just OK. We’re talking to you, person with socks stapled to their chimney.
They’re Blowin Up
We’re talking to you, person with giant blowup shit in their front yard. You wouldn’t do that in the dead of August, because that shit looks TERRIBLE. And hey, you know, don’t worry about keeping that shit inflated 24/7. Feel free to have it deflated most of the time so when your neighbors drive by, there are all these dead vinyl characters laying around in their dead vinyl cemetery. Christmas Massacre. Christmassacre?
I kid you not, there is a guy in my neighborhood with a blowup decoration of Santa taking a bath while a blowup Rudolph is looking on. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SICK SHIT? Does that qualify as beastiality? He’s scrubbing his way all over the line.
Smoking Trees
Take it away, Jim.
A Bright Idea
We know this is going to be hard to hear, but …Christmas lights are dumb. There, we said it.
And we hang these things up… why? So Santa knows which house to go to? Yeah, you’re right. You wouldn’t want him accidentally doing something nice for the Goldsteins next door.
Seriously, who was the first asshole who made me go outside into the cold of winter, get on a 10-foot ladder, and bedazzle my house? Fuck you, dude.
Free Decorations!!!
Help us prove JUST HOW SHITTY decorations can be in the name of Christmas. Click below to download (for free, because, Jesus) these decorations for your home today!
Shitty Santa
First up, we have for you this SHITTY SANTA. Download it (for free), print it out, cut around the dotted line, stick it to your house somewhere, then pack up all your shit and move.
Shitty Sign
For the extra courageous, we’ve made this simple and elegant sign. Here’s how you use it:
Download this file (by clicking the button below),
- Print it out onto the shittiest paper you can find.
- Affix it to a stand of some kind, preferrably a shitty one.
- Stick it on LITERALLY ANYTHING. Your lawnmower. Your cat. Your Playboy collection. Anything.
- Then sit back and watch as the sign INSTANTLY turns that thing into a Shitty Christmas Decoration!
- No one can judge, because, hey, it’s Christmas!
- Our preferred place to put your sign? Some nice, fresh dog poo (but we’re open-minded). Here’s an application of the sign being used in some dog poo in our front yard.
Now Buy Our Stuff
Christmas is Dumb Shirts & Stuff
There’s no better time of year for you to buy our stuff than the Christmas Shopping Season! And we’ve got some really great items that we think will help remind you of that. From our “Many Giftiness” line, to our “KILL SANTA” line, you’ll be asking yourself, ‘What would Jesus buy?’
It’s time to don your gay apparel! Click below to start shopping!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
It’s almost lame ass Thanksgiving in 2019, and I found your “here’s why Thanksgiving is stupid” article and it really made me smile. The ending of it is what made me read this Christmas one, and I gotta just take a moment and say thank you. You made me smile during a most difficult time of year. Love it please keep it coming you guys are so refreshing. —-stupid fake holidays—-
Veronica Christopher
It’s like you took the words out of my mouth- just in a cooler way! You forgot how bizarre it is to chop down nature just to let the tree die in your living room. I hold firm to if you love it, let it grow. Great piece 😃
Thank you for this deconstruction of the cringe-inducing herd behavior executed to manifest the overblown fake Christmas (I know it’s double-redundant) “holiday.” Jesus Santa Christ it’s excruciating to see every year. Thank Jesus Santa Christ some of us are enlightened and lead liberated lives without the need of an artificial societal OK to cut loose and live. All year.
Where was this article in December when I needed it? Found now, reading a couple articles and I’m hooked. Love this site and the educational facts it has. Thank you for this.
Thanks for this…I had googled what’s with this Christmas in July shit…I happen to dread it in December for the reasons you wrote about and here they are ruining my summer by mentioning it… anyway I found this and I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard..I peed my pants ..thank you sooooooo much
Raymond Conder
Of course Christmas and Easter are bullshit pagan customs and insane people perpetuate them year after year. Hopefully one day they might be gone forever. Interestingly God must hate them but has never gotten rid of them. The Almighty has his own feasts and festivals, tells us what they are, but nobody cares. The Church never got rid of paganism it simply embraced the customs calling it all Christian. Strange world we live in Master Jack.
yaa christmas is like so dumb
come on pleeeease u guys Christmas is coool BUT QUIT cussing.
Raymond Conder did not realise I had already been on here with comments
It is refreshing to see a response to Christmas and Easter bullshit which has enslaved human beings for 2000 plus years. And there are other examples of stupidity fully endorsed by the so called CHURCH, governments, sinners, super self righteous and other mongrel bastards around the world. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people spoke only truth and no lies whatsoever. Unfortunately human kind has believed lies since Satan the devil turned up in the garden of Eden and both Eve and Adam disgraced themselves passing to curse on to all of us. God is a fixer and will in due course put everything back into perspective. Hi time table can be ever so fast or ever so slow. Seriously if you want to know how dumb people really are consider this. To some extent they know the truth but run with the lie and teach every following generation to perpetuate bullshit. Praise God there is provision for a renewing of the mind for every one of us.
Hello. And Bye.
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Counter Strike Source:
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Ivan Wackenoff 5079
Remember the yule tide log? You burn a dead log christmas eve, then early next morning you put up the christmas tree. This symbolizes rebirth. If that`s not a pagan belief i`ll kiss your bible thumpin` ass. You cut down a tree and bring into your house and sit around watching as it dies. You morbid bastards. To add insult to injury, you put as many lights on it as possible and hope to hell it does`nt burn your fuckin` house down. Why do you believe all this shit, because some dude behind a pulpit dressed in a thousand dollar suit [that you bought for him] says so. Time to pass around the offering plate, remember god loves a cheerful giver. What`s god need money for? Oh it`s to spread religion. Bullshit it`s so pulpit man can take his hideaway whore to the Bahamas. What about Santa Claus? Some fat guy that wants your kids to sit on his lap in exchange for some gifts. Fuckin` perv! And you promote this shit. This fat fuck lands his overweight sleigh on your roof while his his overworked reindeer shit all over the place. Remember ” tis the season to be golly”. I`ve got an assault rifle with four 60 round clips. Santa ever tries that shit at my house,and him and his reindeer will get a full metal jacket enema . You let this child molesting son of a bitch roam your house late at night. Trusting ass wipe you are. what`s he get in return? A glass of milk and some stale cookies. Geez, you really go all out for your perverted house guest. try that shit with me and on the way out i`ll use you chimney as a port-a-potty. On to the three wise guys. Three dudes dressed in brightly colored clothes and scraggly beards trek across a desert acquiring some “herbs” while following some star. I remember when i used to obtain herbs, i saw and followed all kinds of shit. How did they know about Bethlehem? Did they get a text message saying “big rave in beth-town. Be there”. Oh that`s right they did not have cell phones back then. Maybe Tonto sent them a fuckin smoke signal. The manger trilogy. The inn keeper says we are full up. You and the new born will have to stay out there in the barn, you can put the kid in the manger. What`s a manger? That`s where they put feed and hay for cattle. Ever see a cow eat? They drool and blow snotter-boogers on their food worst than a ninety year wino! Nice sterile environment, pud pounders. Where the hell is Child Protection Services. Nobody calls them? Jesus Christ man, [ pun intended] somebody drop a dime on these self centered bone wacking inn keepers and elders. What about the shepherds who were out tending their flocks? Really? It`s winter time. No shit Sherlock. Bethlehem is on the about the same longitude as Austin Texas. Last year Austin had a total of 33 inches of snow and 2 ice storms.The sheep would have been in the barn with the cows. NOBODY LIGHT A MATCH!!! With all the sheep shit and cow farts, we`ll all get blown to hell. Wait a minute hell has not been invented yet. We`ll have to wait about about 20 years for that threat. As for me, when my time comes i just want it to be quick. The quicker the better. I do not want to be lying there with everyone standing around teary eyed and nose running. Say aunt Lucy, blow your nose. All that snot running down your face is ruining your make-up. You`re starting to look like a serial killer. Jesus Christ [no pun intended] kill me now. I`m outa this shit fest!
Hello. And Bye.
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